Now you need to fill in the following details related to your business:
Business Details – Enter details like the legal name of your business, PAN, trade name, the constitution of business, state, district and ward, etc.
Promoter/Partner – Enter your partner/promoter’s personal information, identity information, and residential address in the respective fields and upload their photographs. You can fill in details of up to 10 promoters; in case of sole proprietorship, the proprietor’s information needs to be submitted. After entering all the information, click ‘Save and Continue’.
Authorized Signatory – Enter the details of the person nominated by the promoters, who will be responsible for filing GST returns and have access to the GST portal.
Principal Place of Business - Enter the address of your main office and details like contact information, nature of business activity, address proofs, and ownership proofs/rent agreement/copy of consent letter.
Additional Places of Business – Enter details about your branch offices, warehouses, etc. (if any).
Goods and Services - Enter details about the top five goods and services that you provide. For goods, you can provide the HSN code. For services, provide the SAC code.
Bank Accounts – Enter details of your bank accounts like account number, IFSC code, and account type and upload a copy of your bank statement or passbook.
Verification – Verify all the details that you have entered before submitting your application. Once verified, enter the name of the authorized signatory and the place from where you have filled the form. Then, digitally sign the application using DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)/E-signature or EVC.